September 17 Newsletter

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Latest newsletter
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Newsletter Autumn 2014

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Newsletter Summer 2014
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Newszone. Regular newsletter for families of Funzone
Newszone a regular newsletter for families of Funzone. Sept 13
Welcome back after a fabulous summer. We hope you all got to enjoy the good weather we had this year. Wow its hard to remember just a few short weeks ago the temperatures were around 30 degrees! Its cooled down very quickly! We will be planning the winter activities sooner than expected at this rate!
We would like to welcome to all the new children who have joined us this term, it was a bit manic at the beginning of term, with lots of new arrivals...we hope you enjoy your time with us at Funzone.
Club update
Since our expansion a few short months ago, we are delighted to announce we are almost full again! Thanks so much to all the parents who regularly recommend us to new parents. Its very much appreciated. We have no full time places left now, only part time on certain days.
As some of you know Funzone offers a late pick up for children who wish to attend clubs at their school. The fee for this service is £5 per collection (reduced to £3 per child if 2 or more children are being collected at the same time from the school) Please speak to staff if you would like this service .If your child attends a club after school and is coming to Funzone afterwards, you must return a form to the club stating where and when the club is and if they need collecting later or are making their own way to the club. No child will be left at school without the relevant form returned. Please Note no child under the age of 8 will be permitted to walk alone for any reason. This is for your child’s safety.
We now have the activity plans for the October half term published on the website along with booking forms to download and print off. Please remember to return completed forms BEFORE 27th September to get a discount!
We absolutely love this holiday club as its so much fun making all sorts of autumnal crafts including Halloween activities. This year is no exception. We will be making spooky and scary decorations for children to take home with them, we will be going on a nature trail and looking for conkers etc. We also have a really great trip planned to go to the Hell fire Caves in West Wycombe. Check them out on the internet. They run a children’s “witches workshop” which sounds great fun and also a fancy dress competition. Children will be doing jewellery making, cooking and making beaded spiders to name a few activities. * At time of printing this newsletter the caves trip is filling up fast so early booking is strongly recommended.
Over the next few weeks all of the families that have been with us from before the summer will be given new contracts to return so that all of our details are correct and parents are aware of any changes that may have occurred since the last registration.
Please note that from February holiday club fees will increase. Parents will be informed of the new prices in January. This is the first increase in holiday club fees for a number of years. We will be keeping the early booking discount, so the reduced fees wont be too expensive! We will continue to offer a sibling discount and we will also be offering a discount for full time attendance which is a new discount from Funzone.
Severe weather warning
I know its just the end of summer but as many of you are new this term you need to be aware of what happens at Funzone when the weather is very bad. Please listen to the local radio in the morning or visit the Hertfordshire county council website to look for any school closures and contact Funzone to see if we are open. We try to open whenever possible but like local schools we risk assess each day and if the roads are treacherous Funzone will open for children to be dropped off after school , but we may not drive the minibus for collections if the conditions are too unsafe. IF the schools are not open we do not open for breakfast club.
We are on facebook!
we will upload latest blogs and newsletters on our page. Please like us on facebook here to see whats going on.... we will add ideas for activities etc on this page.
Few reminders
there are a few school inset/training days coming up , we will remain open on these days, so we just want to let new families know we are here if parents can arrange for children to be dropped off after 3pm at the club they can attend as usual.
PLEASE label everything of your child’s, as we have over 100 children registered with Funzone , which makes it very difficult to identify lost property.
Can we ask parents to call us if you are going to be late collecting your child, as it is comforting for them to know why you haven’t picked them up at the normal time. Also it prevents us form following our uncollected children procedure.
Debbie is on holiday from 25th September for 2 weeks, so please call Kathy if you need to contact us during that time. Please note we have a no cash policy at the club, if you need to pay by cash please visit us in the office to make a payment.
Finally, we are always on the look out for art and craft materials, so if any parents work somewhere like a printers or anywhere that may have old cut off items of paper, card or pens etc any donations would be really great!
Thanks for your support,
Kathy ,Debbie and the Funzone team.
Welcome back after a fabulous summer. We hope you all got to enjoy the good weather we had this year. Wow its hard to remember just a few short weeks ago the temperatures were around 30 degrees! Its cooled down very quickly! We will be planning the winter activities sooner than expected at this rate!
We would like to welcome to all the new children who have joined us this term, it was a bit manic at the beginning of term, with lots of new arrivals...we hope you enjoy your time with us at Funzone.
Club update
Since our expansion a few short months ago, we are delighted to announce we are almost full again! Thanks so much to all the parents who regularly recommend us to new parents. Its very much appreciated. We have no full time places left now, only part time on certain days.
As some of you know Funzone offers a late pick up for children who wish to attend clubs at their school. The fee for this service is £5 per collection (reduced to £3 per child if 2 or more children are being collected at the same time from the school) Please speak to staff if you would like this service .If your child attends a club after school and is coming to Funzone afterwards, you must return a form to the club stating where and when the club is and if they need collecting later or are making their own way to the club. No child will be left at school without the relevant form returned. Please Note no child under the age of 8 will be permitted to walk alone for any reason. This is for your child’s safety.
We now have the activity plans for the October half term published on the website along with booking forms to download and print off. Please remember to return completed forms BEFORE 27th September to get a discount!
We absolutely love this holiday club as its so much fun making all sorts of autumnal crafts including Halloween activities. This year is no exception. We will be making spooky and scary decorations for children to take home with them, we will be going on a nature trail and looking for conkers etc. We also have a really great trip planned to go to the Hell fire Caves in West Wycombe. Check them out on the internet. They run a children’s “witches workshop” which sounds great fun and also a fancy dress competition. Children will be doing jewellery making, cooking and making beaded spiders to name a few activities. * At time of printing this newsletter the caves trip is filling up fast so early booking is strongly recommended.
Over the next few weeks all of the families that have been with us from before the summer will be given new contracts to return so that all of our details are correct and parents are aware of any changes that may have occurred since the last registration.
Please note that from February holiday club fees will increase. Parents will be informed of the new prices in January. This is the first increase in holiday club fees for a number of years. We will be keeping the early booking discount, so the reduced fees wont be too expensive! We will continue to offer a sibling discount and we will also be offering a discount for full time attendance which is a new discount from Funzone.
Severe weather warning
I know its just the end of summer but as many of you are new this term you need to be aware of what happens at Funzone when the weather is very bad. Please listen to the local radio in the morning or visit the Hertfordshire county council website to look for any school closures and contact Funzone to see if we are open. We try to open whenever possible but like local schools we risk assess each day and if the roads are treacherous Funzone will open for children to be dropped off after school , but we may not drive the minibus for collections if the conditions are too unsafe. IF the schools are not open we do not open for breakfast club.
We are on facebook!
we will upload latest blogs and newsletters on our page. Please like us on facebook here to see whats going on.... we will add ideas for activities etc on this page.
Few reminders
there are a few school inset/training days coming up , we will remain open on these days, so we just want to let new families know we are here if parents can arrange for children to be dropped off after 3pm at the club they can attend as usual.
PLEASE label everything of your child’s, as we have over 100 children registered with Funzone , which makes it very difficult to identify lost property.
Can we ask parents to call us if you are going to be late collecting your child, as it is comforting for them to know why you haven’t picked them up at the normal time. Also it prevents us form following our uncollected children procedure.
Debbie is on holiday from 25th September for 2 weeks, so please call Kathy if you need to contact us during that time. Please note we have a no cash policy at the club, if you need to pay by cash please visit us in the office to make a payment.
Finally, we are always on the look out for art and craft materials, so if any parents work somewhere like a printers or anywhere that may have old cut off items of paper, card or pens etc any donations would be really great!
Thanks for your support,
Kathy ,Debbie and the Funzone team.
We are expanding! Its official
As most of you should know we are now expanding the club after the Easter School holidays.
Reception to year 4 children will remain in the main hall, but we are opening a new club for our year children in years 5 and 6. We are delighted we will finally be reducing our long waiting list, and many of the new places have been filled already. We have spoken to our older children about the new club and they are really excited to have a place of their own to chill out and do “older kids stuff”
Supervision ratios will be maintained at all times.
Lots of fun activities planned for the school holidays
Booking forms are now available to download from the website
We are having an animal themed week with a trip to Shepreth wildlife Park, and week 2 is a summer seaside theme with lots of arts and crafts to do.
Staff training update.
All staff are booked onto a Pediatric First Aid course in the coming weeks.
Well done to Ladine who has recently has passed her level 2 in childcare.
Outdoor area
Thanks to the parents who asked for and signed the petition regarding the use of the outdoor area. We spoke to the people organizing this and informed them many parents, like ourselves, are not happy with this decision. They are happy to hear from any parents, so if anyone would like to put objections in writing we would be happy to pass this on. Also we have asked them for an evening meeting in future as 11am on a Thursday wouldn’t get many working parents views.
PLEASE NOTE applies to all schools
We cannot stay behind with the children after school for these events for a number of reasons.
Mainly, it makes us late back at the club especially if we are on the mini bus going on to follow on schools.
Also there are often queues for these events, in the halls or playgrounds, and supervising the children in crowds is difficult when they all want to look at different stalls and talk to their friends.
Not all children attending the club are able to purchase items and we feel this is unfair on those children who have to wait around when they are unable to participate. If you wish your child to attend such events please make alternative arrangements for them to be brought to the club. Thank you.
Dates for your diary
March 29th – End of Term
April 2nd – Holiday club starts
April 15th – back to school
May 28th -June 2nd June Half Term week
Contact Kathy Lake 07870 168308